you know you can be friends with peoples and puppies you have never even met
that is what the internets is for
one of my friends is a beagle named della mae who helps her mama Lady Buttons with her blog and and we have ever so much in common like our names and our mamas and our ears and being from the south and living in canadia and all kinds of things
her mama gave me a beautiful blogger award which is peoples for i love you in the internets
i am going to tell you seven things about me daisy mae that you maybe did not know
1. when i was littles i had a white spot between my eyes and a black tail but now i am all daisy-colored
2. i can show you the tree on the trail where the chipper-monks hide i swear
3. i don't like it so much when you touch my feets
4. this one time i ated a squirrel and it tasted like mischief
5. my favorite outside game is Running Away and my favorite inside game is Being Close
6. sometimes i dream there are bunnies in the house and i have to chase them in my sleep
7. i am told i am quite a snorer
one of my favorite games is sharing and i am sharing my award with these blogs:
Bookwagon: my mama's papa's favorite game is reading books
The Aunt-Ventures of L and Auntie She-She: we miss my auntie shelia who does not live in canadia with us
All Things Frau: my friend gobo is a kitty and his mama's blog makes my mama droolly
Running Is Optional: my friend zeus helps his mama read and run
Hero the Sharpei: hero is a puppy like me
My Life by Buster: buster is a puppy too
Daily Dose of Jack: jack is a puppy too
oooooh i absolutely love the internets
that is what the internets is for
one of my friends is a beagle named della mae who helps her mama Lady Buttons with her blog and and we have ever so much in common like our names and our mamas and our ears and being from the south and living in canadia and all kinds of things
her mama gave me a beautiful blogger award which is peoples for i love you in the internets
i am going to tell you seven things about me daisy mae that you maybe did not know
1. when i was littles i had a white spot between my eyes and a black tail but now i am all daisy-colored
2. i can show you the tree on the trail where the chipper-monks hide i swear
3. i don't like it so much when you touch my feets
4. this one time i ated a squirrel and it tasted like mischief
5. my favorite outside game is Running Away and my favorite inside game is Being Close
6. sometimes i dream there are bunnies in the house and i have to chase them in my sleep
7. i am told i am quite a snorer
one of my favorite games is sharing and i am sharing my award with these blogs:
Bookwagon: my mama's papa's favorite game is reading books
The Aunt-Ventures of L and Auntie She-She: we miss my auntie shelia who does not live in canadia with us
All Things Frau: my friend gobo is a kitty and his mama's blog makes my mama droolly
Running Is Optional: my friend zeus helps his mama read and run
Hero the Sharpei: hero is a puppy like me
My Life by Buster: buster is a puppy too
Daily Dose of Jack: jack is a puppy too
oooooh i absolutely love the internets