Monday, June 30, 2008

ask daisy mae

Dear Daisy Mae:
What is your favorite tv show?
dear sj

i have several favorite tv shows for example i like to watch the dog whisperer with my mama because it is about a people who speaks dog

also i like episodes of law & order when there is a k-9 but there are not enough

and i like frisky dingo on the cartoon network even though it has less to do with energetic wild dogs than you might think

thanks for writing, sj

daisy mae

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

mama said i need to update my blog

mama said i need to update my blog because my fans are wanting

she says there's a whole crew club in new york that is waiting to know what i've been doing lately

i said but mama i've been so busy what with my ball and my squirrel and my duck and my other duck and my other ball and my bone and my new bed and hiking and all the running around i have to do all the time

and she said well daisy mae maybe you could take questions from your readers and then just take a minute out of your hectic schedule every once in a while to answer them and offer advice and stuff

and i said that's a good idea mama you're pretty smart i think i'll chew on your hand for a while

and she said okay and i'll write you your first inquiry
Dear Daisy Mae,

What are some of your favorite games?

Your Mama
well mama i have a lot of fun games that i like to play for example my new favorite game is called run away and it looks like this:

i especially like to play this game with my papa when he accidentally lets me out the front door and he says daisy mae you better not run in the road get your ass over here NOW which is people for i'm ready to chase you all over the neighborhood while i shout bad words

another game i like is sit and shake because i can do both at the same time:

that is called an action shot because it shows me daisy mae in action

my auntie nancy came to visit from massachusetts and we played a game called I'M WILD! in which we are wild which is very difficult to photograph because it is extremely active but it looks a little like this:

sometimes people don't like to play i'm wild because they had too much wine the night before or they are trying to "write" whatever that is and in those cases i win

thanks for writing in mama

love daisy mae

Monday, June 16, 2008

last week i ate a bug

last week i ate a bug with two heads

it's called a mating bug

then we got in the car and went to crossett where there are dogs and bugs and peoples and cows! i love cows because they are good for barking at and also they poop A LOT

on a more somber note the common review has an essay about when people write books about when dogs have to die but don't worry my mama says because it won't happen to puppies not even when they bite a hole in their mama's jeans

sometimes puppies just have to go outside for a little while

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

dear papa

dear papa

i have no idea who peed on the stairs three times while you were under deadline

it must have been other puppies

also i love you

daisy mae

Saturday, June 7, 2008

today we went for a hike

today we went for a hike in the mount sequoyah woods and we walked and walked and climbed and went on rocks and over trees and we climbed some more and then we went down and then we went up and up and up and up and down and down and up and up and up some more and i ran around and sniffed leaves and sticks and trees and rocks and mud and bugs and a butterfly and a lizard and some more leaves and i met two turtles and one was eating a raspberry so i had to stop and bark at it for a while

ooooooooh i absolutely love hiking

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

mama and me had a late night

mama and me had a late night and then we had to read the new yorker all day

you'll notice i have a new collar

i was too big for my first one so we went to the store and got a shiny orange one like hunting dogs my papa said and then we met this guy and he was like A TENNESSEE FAN! which is people for time to get daisy mae another new collar

it is green and mama says it looks better with my new vaccination bling anyways

also my papa blogged about me which means i am famouser and famouser