Friday, July 29, 2011

we are having

we are having an interesting summer

pregnant is when sometimes my mama's tummy hurts all the time and nothing will help

not even pooping

and sometimes she laughs at me for no reason and other times she is too grumpy for walks so my papa and me we do all the walking

and at night my papa has to drink all the wines

pregnant is also when it is very hard work to not do very much at all so we have to take extra naps

my mama says pregnant is not nearly as interesting as what happens after pregnant but we will not know what that is until february

i hope it does not involve bunnies

Monday, July 18, 2011


bicycles are when peoples have wheels instead of legs

and they zoom by so fast you just want to CHASE them you don't know why you just do

Monday, July 4, 2011


roofers is when it is very early in the mornings and there are peoples climbing all over the house

and nobody knows why

it is disconcerting which is peoples for not normal in a way that is probably bad

so you have to run all over the place barking barking barking and barking

because otherwise your mama and your papa might just sleep through it

i am very good at being helpful