the first stage was largely bile-logical which is the science of opening squirrels up to see what's inside*
but my mama said maybe i could take a more antelope-logical approach which is when you study the behaviors of squirrels when they are alive and uneated and this way you can find out where all their crazy squirrel ideas come from
one thing i have observed is that squirrel culture is organized around the obsessive collection of haycorns
so when i am in the field which is peoples for when an antelope-lologist goes on her walks i like to stop and investigate the haycorns which come from the sidewalk underneath the tree by the playground
then i like to carry one or two haycorns around for a while to try to see the world through a squirrel's eyes but without taking the eyes out of a squirrel
*feetsnote: so named because the old greek hippo Crates said that squirrels are full of yellow bile which is the stuff inside them that makes them so disagreeable
daisy mae, have you heard about the book 'dog on it'?
no I have not but I would like to know more please
well, it's a silly detective book written by a doggie just like you!
well, written might be a big word...narrated is better.
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