Wednesday, February 2, 2011


snow is when all the smells in the world are buried under the white and the cold

to find them you have to be very clever and dig little holes and put your nose in the holes and sometimes your whole head and kind of snorfle around to see where those smells are hiding

peoples are not so good at snorflings because their noses are too far away from the ground so they have to do shovelings instead and that is not nearly as satisfying

snow makes everything strange for example sometimes it can be very difficult to know where to poop

it makes my mama and my papa a little sad* so i have to work extra hard to make sure everything is okay

*Note from Daisy's mama: Yesterday, my mother-in-law passed away following a sudden and unexpected illness. Daisy Mae, always sensitive to our feelings, has been especially attentive, staying close and licking up lots of tears. I don't know how we'd do this without her.


KF-in-Georgia said...

Daisy Mae, Tell your mama and papa that I'm sorry they're sad. Continue to take good care of them.

zelda1 said...

I, too, want to express my sympathy to your mama and papa. Losing a parent is a horrible thing and your parents, especially your papa, will be needing a lot of extra TLC.