Sunday, October 30, 2011


history is when things have already happened 

you can learn about them but you cannot change them even when maybe they were very bad so when you look at history you have to be prepared for the worst

there are some good things in history for example there appear to be lots of puppies

some of them wrote books

but there is a dark time in history when peoples thought it was a good idea to live with squirrels

even though this is not a good idea at all

my mama says it goes to show how arbitrary some ideas are in historical context which is peoples for the peoples from history are crazy and we are glad we do not live there

Sunday, October 16, 2011

my aunt kathryn

my aunt kathryn lives at the end of a ride in the car

she is not as far away as new york city or arkansas but you still have to cross the border into america and tell them hello this is my papa and my mama and this here sleeping in the back seat is me daisy mae

and we are here for a visits

my aunt kathryn has cable teevees so you can watch baseballs even during the playoffs which is when you have to say bad words when the yankees are losing

except for my aunt kathryn who is a cubs fan and has no one to say bad words about in the playoffs 

so she will watch the yankees but with less shouting

she even went to new york city to see them for reals

when we watched the playoffs on teevees my mama kept yelling WHAAAAAT THAT WAS NOT A STRIKE and my papa kept yelling STOP IT JOE JUST STOP IT which is peoples for the yankees are not winning and my aunt kathryn and me we just kept hoping the yankees would stop not winning but they did not

watching the playoffs was harrowing this year because the squirrels took over and made everything very bad

when we are not watching baseballs my aunt kathryn is very busy and has to wake up first thing in the mornings and work all day and then coach soccer which is when peoples run around with a big ball like this

and no one will pass it to daisy mae

and at the end of the day she likes to watch movies just like i do

we had a very nice weekend and i only destroyed one thing in my aunt kathryn's house because i am very good at visiting

Saturday, October 1, 2011


sulking is a very good way to remind your peoples how much they love you

it goes like this

maybe it is the first day in a long times that it is nice and cool outside and when you go for your walks it feels lovely and breezy in the nighttimes and it just makes you all jumpy on the insides and when you get home you want to run up and down and throw your bone around and play chase with kitty

and your mama says not right now daisy it is time to settle in and watch teevees

and your papa says that's enough daisy the game is on

and kitty says hissssss hisssssss hissssssssssssss and goes to sleeps

that is when maybe you go into the other room where it is all dark because there is no one in there but you and you can lie in your bed thinking about how you have no bodies to play with and your mama and your papa and kitty can think about how they are not playing with daisy

and when you come back your mama says daisy mae while you were sulking we sure got a taste of how life would be without daisy and it was awful and empty and meaningless and i am so happy you are back

which is peoples for i love you even more than ever