Saturday, October 1, 2011


sulking is a very good way to remind your peoples how much they love you

it goes like this

maybe it is the first day in a long times that it is nice and cool outside and when you go for your walks it feels lovely and breezy in the nighttimes and it just makes you all jumpy on the insides and when you get home you want to run up and down and throw your bone around and play chase with kitty

and your mama says not right now daisy it is time to settle in and watch teevees

and your papa says that's enough daisy the game is on

and kitty says hissssss hisssssss hissssssssssssss and goes to sleeps

that is when maybe you go into the other room where it is all dark because there is no one in there but you and you can lie in your bed thinking about how you have no bodies to play with and your mama and your papa and kitty can think about how they are not playing with daisy

and when you come back your mama says daisy mae while you were sulking we sure got a taste of how life would be without daisy and it was awful and empty and meaningless and i am so happy you are back

which is peoples for i love you even more than ever

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