Monday, July 30, 2012


mortality is when even though kitty takes medicines every day for a year she just feels worser and worser

and then one day she goes somewhere where you cannot see her anymore

but you can remember how it smelled to have her close

Saturday, July 7, 2012


moving is when you take everythings from where it is supposed to be and put it somewhere else

of all the horriblest things moving is the most horriblest

my mama says it is time to move into a new house so that my mama and my papa and ruby and kitty and me daisy mae are not all right on top of each other all of the times but then how will we know where everybodies is

my mama also says that kitty better stop being senile about the litter box if she thinks she is going to live in the new house with us which is a very silly thing to say because where else is kitty going to live

Saturday, June 30, 2012

cottage country

cottage country is a contested territory in canadia that is under siege by chippermonks*

my mama and my papa and ruby and me we all packed up into the car and drove and drove and drove to the cottage which is a very nice house in the woods that needs to be defended against the forces of chippermonks and muskrats and beavers and otters which are a disturbing kind of river squirrel

out here the creatures are all extra cheeky for example those chippermonks will pop right out of this hole and look at you

it is very important when you are at the cottage that nobody relax or let their guards down for even a second and sometimes peoples forget and sit around reading and talking and enjoying the view and then you have to run around barking loudly for a while to remind everybodies that we are on high alert

my mama and my papa worked very hard to get us all out here in the middles of a busy summer so i am working super special hard to make it a success

*my mama says this is back-words because it is chippermonk and other cheeky critter country under siege by canadia cottages, she says this is important and write it down daisy mae

Thursday, June 14, 2012

i have been very busy

i have been very busy lately with my new job which makes it difficult to find time to write it all down

nannying is when you have to watch the baby all the time to make sure she does not get into any troubles

it is hard work because she is very wiggly and roly poly and frequently surrounded by all these suspicious creatures

for example there was this duck that followed her around in the bath until i finally took care of it once and for all

one time my aunt kathryn came to visit and i could finally have a moment of rest

but it was not a very long moment

Friday, May 18, 2012


raccoon is what peoples call that thing by the dumpster that smells like trouble

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

this is ruby

this is ruby

she is a baby

she is quite littles and she smells like maybe you have met somewhere before but you cannot remember where

a baby is like a puppy that is learning to be a peoples

she does not even know about breakfasts or lunches or dinners or bedtimes so my mama has a lot of sitting and explaining to do and someone has to watch the door for botherers and that someone is me daisy mae

taking care of a baby requires vigilance which is peoples for you always have to watch her and sniff her and every once in a while give her a little kiss on the nose and the feet to make sure she is okay at both ends

and if someone takes her into another room and she makes noises you have to run run run and see just what is going on in there

you can save some energies by staying close to the baby at all times

then everybodies is safe and happy

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


today is valentimes day which is peoples for my birthday

birthdays are when you used to be zero

but now you are four

and you still like to sleep on your mama

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


plumbings is when the kitchen sink fills with water and won't unfill and everything in the kitchen gets used and dirty

it can be confusing because washing the dishes makes my mama grumpy but not washing the dishes makes her even grumpier

and so you have to call Phil the Plumber and be very calm while he walks in and out and in and out and in and out which is a very strange way to pay a visits

and all the faucets are on so it sounds like bathtimes

and there is jackhammerings under the floor

during a large-scale natural disaster like plumbings it is best to stay in constant physical contacts with my mama like against her legs or on her hands or in her laps

she says this is very convenient which is peoples for thank you for keeping me safe daisy mae

Thursday, January 12, 2012

we had christmases

we had christmases in new york city this year

christmases is very good for visiting so i spent lots of time with my mama's mama and my mama's papa and my aunt kathryn and my aunt emma and my uncle doug and my uncle austin and my friends rosaline and dan who came over to help us eat the seven fishes which i helped cook

my mama's papa is the chef of the seven fishes and my aunt kathryn is the sous-chef who assists the chef and i am the sous-sous-chef who stands under the sous-chef just in case anything falls on the floor that needs to be eaten

i am also very helpful in this regard at dessert times

being helpful is a lot of work so the next day my papa and me we took a christmases nap

this was a special christmases because my aunt emma gave me a purple squirrel that poops treats and also because my mama has a bunny in the oven

this does not mean she was cooking bunnies because it is Just An Expression which is peoples for something that is only true in the sense that it is not

i do not know exactly what it means